The global market for liquified Natural Gas (LNG) is experiencing significant growth, with trade volumes anticipated to
rise by almost 7% annually until 2020. There is a record number of supply projects currently in the pipeline, which is facilitating
opportunities for spot and short-term trading alongside the traditional long-term contracts that have historically defined the industry.
The continuous enhancement of shale resources in North America has prompted a remarkable increase in the production of natural gas liquids (NGL).
Notably, the growing availability of ethane and propane has converted the US petrochemicals sector from a declining industry into
one of the most energetic segments of the global chemicals sector.
Our liquified petroleum gas brokers are active throughout all vessel segments from VLGCs to smaller semi-refrigerated vessels as well
as in the purchase and sale of LPG worldwide. Our team of professionals canvasses the market constantly and provides clients with global intelligence
on transportation of liquified petroleum gas. We arrange spot and term charters and develop contracts of affreightment to suit clients’ specific requirements.
In addition, we are active in the sale and purchase of liquified petroleum gas carriers.