Aviation Fuels Brokerage

Auchintoul maintains an optimistic outlook regarding the future of jet fuel supply, notwithstanding the persistent adverse effects of the coronavirus pandemic on the aviation sector. In these trying circumstances, Auchintoul's aviation team has successfully continued to expand and enhance its operations.

Auchintoul provides fuel to airports and airlines across the United Kingdom, Continental Europe, and the United States. The company remains dedicated to the aviation sector, despite the significant challenges currently faced by the industry.

We continue to work closely together to provide a strong, credible and capable platform to the maritime sector and broader supply chain as emissions begin to offer new opportunities and potential revenue streams.

Clean Aviation

An alliance of climate leaders focused on decarbonising some of the world’s highest-emitting industries.

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Global aviation is currently responsible for about 3% of total global, anthropogenic CO2 emissions – having seen an increase by over a third between 2011 and 2017 alone. If aviation were unmitigated, it could be responsible for an even greater proportion of global emissions by 2050.

The new report, “Making Net-Zero Aviation possible: An industry-backed, 1.5°C aligned Transition Strategy”, provides a series of actionable steps to be taken over the next decade to secure a transition towards carbon-neutral flying and deliver the goals of the Paris Agreement. Actions include drastically improving fuel efficiency gains of aircraft, the rapid roll out of Sustainable Aviation Fuel and market entry of hydrogen, battery-electric or hybrid powered aircraft.