Gordon Ogilvie is first owner and majority share holder at Auchintoul Oil & Gas. He started the company originally in 2009 and has served as company President and Chief Executive Officer since that time.
With over 15 years in the oil and Gas industry in various management roles and technical positions, Gordon’s operational insight, innovative strategy and prospective conceptualization is responsible for Auchintoul Oil & Gas’s
unrivaled first class performance amongst organizational peer groups.
Gordon started Auchintoul Oil & Gas only after he had first gathered a wealth of experience serving in a variety of senior management and director roles in the fields of Natural Resource Development,
Production, Quality Assurance & Operations (Offshore and Onshore). These include but are not limited to his time at Suncor, BP, Shell Petroleum, Chevron and Husky
Gordon has previous and ongoing engagements with community building, environment preservation and protection as well as youth social development through various programs and outreach all across
the countyr which includes The UK Red Cross, Scouts UK, Fire Service Society and Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority (LSRCA). Gordon has a proven and constant
promise of outreach and engagement.
Gordon is also a proud and active member of the UK society of Petroleum Business Professionals.
He is a Msc holder of the University of Aberdeen where he acquired his first degree in Business Management. His vision, drive and tenacity continue to soar Auchintoul Oil & Gas to greater heights.